Place of Origin Something that no one can disagree is the fact that India has a rich heritage that beautifully seeps into the foods that we’ve always been proud about. Our culture and tradition, though different in each corner of the country, has its roots connected with a few major customs in which food play a pivotal role. But in the world of modernisation, we’re rarely lucky enough to spot eatables dished out the traditional way our ancestors used to enjoy. Not to mention the fact that each place is famous for something and finding a shop that gives us a taste of everything that our country as a whole has to offer sounds like a miracle. But guess what? Miracles do happen. Place of Origin is a website that does exactly what the name says, delivering the long lost, forgotten treasures that our grannies and granddads cherished. Their objective is to bring online all those special foods that we crave the most and that are difficult to find locally. In their site, they offer the finest