Very rarely does an actor work with the same director in the current gen and when Ajith announced his third collaboration with director Siva, it was obvious that what’s instore is something totally different from what we witnessed in Veeram or Vedhalam . Vivegam sees the best of all we loved from this combination and more. The plot might be thin – an international spy is branded to have gone rogue and how he manages to set things straight forms the storyline. But aren’t all commercial films so? Where Vivegam stands a class apart is the execution. A few minutes into the film, I was smiling; wondering how such a stylish flick can be made by the same man who made Veeram which was set in a rural backdrop. In short, the film can be stated as a classic Siva film with a much mellowed down show of elements that didn’t work in his previous projects. The setting is slick and a good amount of research has gone into getting the details right. Obviously, as one would’ve expected, it’s Ajith who